2013 Lunar New Year Celebration with Maryland Governor O'Malley:
TAA President and Commissioner to Maryland Governor's Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs celebrated the 2013 Lunar New Year with Governor Martin O’Malley of Maryland, Maryland Delegate Susan Lee, and fellow commissioners at the Government House in Annapolis, Maryland, on February 20, 2013.

2012 TAA $2,500 Scholarship Recipient:

TAA urges you to exercise your right and VOTE in November
With the November Presidential Elections fast approaching, we urge you to let your voice be heard and exercise your right as a citizen. There is no doubt that the Asian American & Pacific Islander (AAPIs) community will play a pivotal role in this coming election. Within Maryland, where a majority of our members live, the AAPI community is the fastest growing minority population according to the 2010 U.S. Census. Nationally, our Thai community has grown by 58% since the last Census. In order to turn our population numbers into power, we've got to get ourselves registered to vote.
Why should we vote?
- We vote because voting is a basic political process in a democratic country.
- We vote to exercise our right and privilege, and take up our responsibility as a citizen.
- We vote to choose your local, state and national leaders.
- We vote to change laws and the government we don’t like.
- We vote for politicians who represent our view in managing the tax money we pay because no one likes taxation without representation.
- We vote because we are proud to be an American and to live in a country that truly symbolizes freedom and liberty.
Historically, AAPIs have some of the lowest rates of voter registration in the nation, with rates lower than that of the African American, Latino American, and Native American communities. Nationally, only 54% of Asian Americans are registered to vote, which is 20% lower than expected when compared to the general population. Let us harness the power of all of our eligible voters -- including our young people and newly naturalized citizens -- to turn this statistic around and have our voices heard as individuals as well as representatives of our Thai community in America.
You are eligible to vote if you are... A person who is a:
- U.S. Citizen, and
- 18 years old on or before Election Day.
Many states also have eligibility requirements that disqualify citizens for felony conviction or mental incompetence. These eligibility requirements are listed on your state voter registration application form. Below, find out how to register to vote.
For all other states and for more information, please visit the United States Election Assistance Commission's website and use the Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote's very informative Voter Education 101 page as a resource.
TAA Management
A special program from the Royal Thai Embassy For all Thai Americans in the U.S. A 10-day visit to Thailand - All expenses in Thailand PAID!
TAA is helping the Thai Embassy in Washington DC to reach out to Thai Americans and invite them to participate in a special program being developed by the Embassy for Thai Americans only (age 20-35 years) to visit Thailand for 10 days in October/November this year. The purposes of this potential program are to strengthen the Thai community in the U.S. and to develop a closer tie between Thai Americans and Thailand. This is in line with our TAA mission to organize, unify, and empower Thais and Thai Americans in the U.S.
The best part about this program is all expenses during the 10-day visit in Thailand will be paid by the Thai Embassy. Participants will only need to pay for their own airfares to and from Bangkok.
If you would like this program to materialize and to take advantage of this offer you must act now. Email me as soon as you can but no later than this Sunday, June 24th, with your name, age, and your interest in participating in this program. The Embassy will determine whether or not to approve this program based on your responses. Email me back now and be the first 20 participants to qualify for this wonderful Thailand visit. Forward this to your Thai American friends and ask them to email me with their votes asap!
Thanit ThangpijaigulPresidentThai Alliance in America (TAA)
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
PS: Details about this program both in Thai and English have been emailed to our TAA members. If you would like to join TAA and be on our regular member list to receive other useful information in the future, please download the membership application form and mail it in to become a regular or lifetime TAA member soon. For this time, please email me and I’ll be happy to send you the program information.

Meeting with the new Thai Ambassador:
Photo from the first meeting with new Thai Ambassador to the United States, H. E. Ambassador Chaiyong Satjipanon, at the Royal Thai Embassy in Washington, D.C., on April 25, 2012.

Front row: Ambassador Chaiyong Satjipanon (2nd from right), TAA President Thanit Thangpijaigul (1st from right), TAA Advisor Dr. Suwat Silpasuvan, M.D. (3rd from right), TAA Advisor Dr. Saleewun Lima, M.D. (1st from left).
Back row: TAA Executive Director Kobkan Thangpijaigul (2nd from right), TAA Advisor Mrs. Kanyarath Young (3rd from right).
TAA President appointed Commissioner:
Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley has appointed our TAA President, Khun Thanit Thangpijaigul, Commissioner to the Governor’s Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs (APAA) (http://www.asian.maryland.gov/) for a 4-year term. The duties and responsibilities of the APAA Commission are to:
· Serve as an advisory body to the Governor and agencies within the Executive Department on matters relating to the Asian Pacific American population of Maryland, including matters relating to economic, workforce, and business development;
· Identify needs or problems affecting Asian Pacific Americans, and develop appropriate responses and programs;
· Conduct outreach to Asian Pacific American groups and communities in the State, and communicate information to them concerning public and private programs that are beneficial to their interests;
· Review and comment on any proposed federal, State, or local legislation, regulations, policies, or programs that affect the Asian Pacific American population of Maryland;
· Generally comment and make appropriate recommendations on matters affecting the health, safety and welfare of the Asian Pacific American population of Maryland
Commissioner Thanit Thangpijaigul will be our Thai connection to the Maryland Government. He will represent Thai and other Asian Americans in Maryland, look after our interests, and can help Thai people by bringing issues affecting our community to the Commission.
As a Commissioner, Khun Thanit will have opportunities to work with members of other Commissions, state and federal organizations. For example, he has been invited by President Obama’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders (http://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/eop/aapi) to the White House on Wednesday, May 9, 2012, for the White House Meeting on AAPI State and Local Commissions and the White House Community Leaders Briefing.
Congratulations and thank you Khun Thanit for making this strong commitment to serve the best interests of Thai people and the citizens of Maryland.
สมาคมไทย ณ อเมริกา (ส.ท.อ.) ช่วยเหลือชุมชนไทย สนับสนุนคนไทยอเมริกันให้มีส่วนร่วม ให้ทุนการศึกษากับเด็กไทยในอเมริกา และพยายามปรับปรุงฐานะคนไทยในอเมริกา ขอเชิญร่วมแรงร่วมใจกับ ส.ท.อ. เพื่อคนไทย เชิญอ่าน
ส.ท.อ. เชิญท่านร่วมบริจาคทุนทรัพย์สนับสนุนโครงการของสมาคม และสำคัญที่สุดในขณะนี้คือโครงการช่วยเหลือผู้ประสบอุทกภัยที่เมืองไทยครั้งใหญ่ที่สุด โดย ส.ท.อ. จะนำเงินที่ท่านบริจาคและที่รวบรวมได้จากแหล่งอื่นร่วมกับสมาคมไทยในอมริกาที่เป็นสมาคม 501(c)(3) non-profit ใน Maryland ชื่อ Smiles on Wings www.smilesonwings.org ซึ่งบริหารงานโดยคุณหมออุษา บุญนาค ไปช่วยผู้ประสบภัยน้ำท่วมโดยตรง ทีมงานของคุณหมออุษาที่เมืองไทยจะจัดชื้อถุงยังชีพและของใช้จำเป็นอื่นๆไปแจกให้แต่ละครอบครัวถึงบ้านทั้งในกรุงเทพฯและต่างจังหวัด ส่วนจำนวนถุงยังชีพที่เราจะซื้อไปแจกได้มากน้อยเท่าไหร่นั้นก็ขึ้นอยู่กับความกรุณาและความมีจิตศรัทธาจากท่านที่จะบริจาคร่วมกับ ส.ท.อ. ในครั้งนี้
ส.ท.อ. รับบริจาคบนเวิบของเราโดย credit card, debit card, หรือ PayPal กรุณาใส่ชื่อทุนที่บริจาค
- TAA General Fund (สมาคมไทย ณ อเมริกา)
- Thai Flood Victims (สมทบทุนช่วยผู้ประสบอุกทกภัยที่เมื่องไทย)
- TAA Scholarship Fund (ทุนการศึกษาเยาวชนไทย)
- Join or renew TAA membership ($50 lifetime, $10 2-year) (ต่ออายุหรือสมัครเป็นสมาชิก $50 ตลอดชีพ $10 สองปี)
เชิญบริจาคโดยกดปุ่ม ร่วมบริจาคทุน ส.ท.อ. นี้ หรือที่ปุ่ม ChipIn! สีส้มด้านขวามือ
ส.ท.อ. ขอขอบคุณล่วงหน้ามา ณ ที่นี้ด้วย

TAA has worked hard to support the Thai community in the U.S., encourage young Thai Americans to get more involved, offer scholarships to Thai students, and try to improve the status of Thai people in this country. Now TAA needs your help and support. Check out our reports for:
TAA now needs your donation to support one or more TAA programs of your choice so we can continue working hard for our community. Please donate to our TAA General Fund, TAA Scholarship Fund, and/or join TAA by becoming a TAA member and/or a management team member.
Most urgently, we have partnered with Smiles on Wings (another 501c3 Thai non-profit organization in Maryland), www.smilesonwings.org, to provide help directly to the flood victims in Thailand. We are raising funds for our Smiles on Wings volunteers in Thailand to buy survival kits and other necessities and deliver them directly to the flood victims in Thailand. Please join TAA to help tens of thousands of Thai flood victims who are still waiting for food and other necessities to survive. Every dollar you donate and designated for flood relief will go directly to the flood victims by our Smiles on Wings volunteers in Thailand. Let’s work together to take care of those unfortunate flood victims in Thailand.
When donating online please leave a note for one or more of the purposes of your donation below:
TAA General Fund (สมาคมไทย ณ อเมริกา) Thai Flood Victims (สมทบทุนช่วยผู้ประสบอุกทกภัยที่เมื่องไทย) TAA Scholarship Fund (ทุนการศึกษาเยาวชนไทย) Join or renew TAA membership ($50 lifetime, $10 2-year) (ต่ออายุหรือสมัครเป็นสมาชิก $50 ตลอดชีพ $10 สองปี)
Please click Donate to TAA by credit card, debit card, or PayPal or click the orange ChipIn! button on the right.
Thanks for your support.
The Institute of International Education (IIE)
with support from the Freeman Foundation,
has created an emergency small-grants program
to help students from Thailand on U.S. campuses
whose home country financial support has been
devastated by the recent extended record-level flooding
across Thailand. For details on how to apply, eligibility, and
application instructions, etc.
Source: Royal Thai Embassy
สถาบันเพื่อการศึกษานานาชาติ (Institute of International Education)
จนไม่สามารถเรียนจบได้ โดยจะมอบทุนการศึกษาให้...
New $2,500 TAA Scholarships for Senior High Students of Thai heritage planning to go to college in 2012. Apply now! Deadline January 13, 2012! สมาคมไทย ณ อเมริกา (ส.ท.อ.) ให้ทุนการศึกษา $2,500 ประจำปี 2012-2013 สำหรับนักเรียนไทย Senior High ในอเมริกา ที่จะเข้าเรียนในมหาวิทยาลัยปี 2012 หมดเขตรับสมัครวันที่ 13 มกราคม 2012! เชิญสมัครชิงทุนการศึกษา ส.ท.อ. ได้ที่ Apply for the TAA Scholarships now at:
Miss Loy Krathong TAA at Wat Thai DC 2011

Ms. Vina "Ploy" Chongwiboon